Traveling through the Caribbean has been a dream of mine since I can remember.

My Future Travel Plans? First Stop.. Turks and Caicos!

If you know me personally, you know I daydream about how I would dedicate my life to traveling in the Caribbean. I want to learn all about its food, its history and to live in such a unique part of the world, should the opportunity arise.

Daydreaming about the Caribbean from the Lido Deck in the Bahamas.

After years of dreaming and days of planning (procrastination finally defeated by my impromptu attitude is a key factor here) I’ve gotten the opportunity for my first step on that journey.

My 3 short cruises to the Bahamas were just me getting my toes wet. Literally.

At the end of this summer, I’ll be using my freshly printed passport to visit Turks and Caicos with my older sister and her family for 8 days. A great way to celebrate my 38th Birthday!

8 Days, 7 Nights in Turks and Caicos.

We’ll be flying into Providenciales on a sunny Saturday. Our week will be luxurious and relaxing, staying at the Neptune Villas in Chalk Sound with my brother-in-law’s aunt Rachel. She’s the owner of this beautiful Mediterranean style resort and attached Latin/Caribbean restaurant, Las Brisas. You know I’ll be poking my head in the kitchen to see how her kitchen runs such an operation. I’m curious in learning how she adapts her menu and business to “Island Time” and its food supply limitations.

The Sandy Beaches at Chalk Sound, in Turks and Caicos.

I can’t promise not to put in work, but do promise to learn and hopefully meet some locals that can show me true Turks and Caicos cuisine. On my list of things to eat: a fresh Conch Salad and three or four Caribbean Rum Punches.

I’m looking forward to exploring the island, eating good food and relaxing on the beach. My worker bee self hasn’t had 8 days off in almost a decade. I think I’m due.. Someone show me how.

Caribbean Rum Punch? Yes, please!

My sister says I may not want to come back. If I could figure that out, I’d gladly be tempted. What better way to Island Hop if not to already be halfway to everywhere else?

I look forward to writing more about the trip. Until then I’m searching for snorkeling activities and picking out outfits. Any suggestions? Check out one of my articles while you wait for some fresh fish and I’ll tell you about it!